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Caden's Lighthouse. multi-sensory environment

Snoezelen Multi-Sensory Environment provides relaxing spaces that help reduce agitation and anxiety but stimulate reactions and encourage communication
Welcome To Caden's Lighthouse

Montreal's very first public sensory room

A first of its kind space for special needs kids. Snoezelen can aid learning/development, help to relax an agitated person or stimulate and raise alertness levels of someone who has sensory processing disorders. It is helping to improve the quality of life of thousands of people around the world.

Learning Disabilities

Safe place with minimum possible risk, include calming elements such as coloured lighting, music or scent.


Suitable and interactive place for therapists to carry out assessments and interventions for children on the spectrum

Occupational Therapy

Unique interactive space which offers the user a range of tactile, visual, scented, and interactive activities to engage with.

Challenging behaviour

Space tailored for object recognition, context, following direction and sequencing activities.

we provide support and care for kids with autism

Because the physical environment is a vital component of any treatment plan.
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